Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fallen and can't get up? Tell your friends on Facebook.

When you read that kids are using social media all the time you have to wonder if it's true. Read this story: http://mashable.com/2009/09/07/trapped-girls-facebook/

What this shows is that a younger person's first priority may not be using the telephone, but sharing information with as many people as possible on Facebook, hoping someone else calls for help.

Is this common? I don't know. If I had a cell phone and could either call or update I would call, but then none of my friend would know I was in trouble. The social networking would be limited to the emergency operator until I was rescued. That loses all immediacy which is the hallmark of social media.

Some say social media is a fad. Others claim it has fundamentally changed the way we communicate. Were the girls in this story just immature or using their primary electronic communication vehicle?

1 comment:

Thiele said...

If any of you ever get stuck in a drain in Adelaide and you post it on FB or even TDF, I'll most likely be able to come & see how your doing. Funny how a story coming out of little Adelaide (similar size to Edmonton) can make it right around the world.

Does this mean that if one Seminary lecturer falls down the stairs, tweets/FB on his mobile of what has just happened, his help will come from another Seminary lecturer whose office is at the top of the same stairs? In the mean time, all his contacts know what has happened and then have a topic of conversation next time they converse (even if from the otherside of the world).

There are many negatives we can put to people 'telling all' on Twitter/FB. The fact is it happens. The Q is how best can we use this for the Pastoral Care of our congregational members? What about out friends and contacts? Does this provide us with the opportunity to be aware of what is going on in their life and either bring their need or join them thanksgiving as we pray to God through the day?