Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is it real?

Even the bad guys think digital first.

Over the years I’ve received all kinds of e-mail petitions. Some have asked me to protest the US Federal Communications Commission because it was threatening to take religious broadcasting off the air; or something of a similar nature about renowned atheist Madelyn Murray O’Hare (even after she died!). This week it was an alleged film Corpus Christi that is supposed to be released this summer. The e-mail said the film portrays Jesus and his disciples as being gay and suggested all Christians should protest.

All it takes is a quick look at and you soon discover none of this is true. Even Googling the title gives you sites that say this hoax first surfaced more than 20 years ago. Here is a history of the hoax.

This is the same kind of hoax as Proctor and Gamble begin accused of using satanic symbols on its products. P&G had to hire full-time staff just to diffuse the issue!

When you discover a digital hoax, don’t resend the e-mail. Instead, reply with a link to the source of the real information.

Christians have enough work to tackle real enemies without trying to battle fake ones!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finally have my relatives to the point that when they come across a story like this, they ask me first if it is true before broadcasting it. It's at least a step in the right direction! :-)