Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Always keep the big picture in mind

The growth in social media is catching the attention of an increasing number of churches. They are venturing beyond websites and starting Facebook pages sending out messages on Twitter and generally exploring all the networking opportunities social media brings.

This is all good if it is done for a reason. So often we jump into the next big thing because it’s the next big thing. We need to stop and ask “Why do we want to be on Facebook or Twitter?”

Social media is just one element in an overall integrated communication strategy. Church communication embraces things like your church sign, Sunday bulletin, monthly newsletter, e-mail, posters, newspaper ads, Sunday announcements, website and vehicles like Facebook and Twitter. Each should have a defined purpose and should be related to each other.

Here are some tips (feel free to add more in the comments ):

• Your website address, Facebook name, Twitter ID and e-mail address should appear on every piece of printed material and every e-mail from your church. These are the 21st century equivalent of your telephone number!

• Your website should invite people to join you on Facebook and Twitter

• Your church sign should at least have your website address (People will find you online before they will walk in the front door.)

• Stories from your newsletter should appear on the website, not necessarily as a PDF, but as part of your website

• When a news item or new story is posted, let the followers on Facebook and Twitter know about it

• Decide what information should appear in which medium for maximum impact

• Establish an e-mail list for the congregation. Decide what information is best communicated by e-mail. Sometimes you may want to provide a link to information on your website to provide a reason for members to visit the website.

• An unsupervised, enthusiastic teenager should not be responsible for Facebook or Twitter just because they may know how it works. Content and presentation are important and require direction.

Remember, your church sign, website, Facebook page and Twitter account are the public face of your church. Your church bulletin is likely the only piece of information a visitor will take home with them.

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