Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A day for social media? Who knew!

Today apparently is  Social Media Day. I’m not sure who proclaimed it, but I’ll accept the opportunity to celebrate the development of the many relationship-building tools it offers.

Maybe it’s because I am a bit of a news junkie and have a natural curiosity, but I really enjoy what Facebook brings to my life. People whom I knew only by name through my work are now 3D friends. I know about their families, their special interests, their political views…all kinds of things. And I appreciate them even more for sharing their joys, frustrations, personal victories and defeats. When I read posts on my wall I am sometimes led to prayer, other times burst into laughter or simply smile at a simple reflection on life. The kind of reactions friends have when meeting face-to-face or on the phone.

The cool thing about my Facebook friends is that I often have the opportunity to meet them in person. But we don’t have to do so much “catching up” because we’ve been following each other!

Facebook builds relationships and if your Christian faith is integrated into who you are, it will be evident as you interact on social media. Friends of mine who have little or no interest in Christianity see my posts, and those of others that talk about faith issues. I know one person who is a pastor but on Facebook he is better known as an amazing photographer. He told me that as a result, he has had wonderful faith-related “conversations” with fellow photographers who otherwise may have never “friended” him.

So, happy Social Media Day! I believe the Lord has given us these new tools to share His love in new ways to His honour and glory.

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