Monday, May 18, 2009

Searching the blogosphere

Over the weekend I spent some time searching the blogosphere; dropping in on random blogs and reading.

I was touched by the personal reflections some people post. There are hurts and struggles that are hard to imagine. Amid some of these are deep discussions about religion, God and faith. People write about their personal view of God, their struggles and victories with their beliefs and ask a lot of questions and comments about the Church.

Sometimes as I read, I found myself annoyed by the writer, and other times frustrated with the church for having treated someone badly. Mostly, I sensed the longing people have for a spiritual relationship that will speak to their life reality. On one blog I left a comment pointing the writer to because I knew she could find answers to her questions on her own terms.

I've often expressed the opinion that the church needs an Internet chaplain, someone who can be available, provide loving responses and build relationships with bloggers, tweeters and anyone else online. Blogs tend to attract like-minded contributors, so someone posting faith questions is likely to have their doubts and beliefs reinforced. What if there were some loving, patient, Christ-centred responses?

Is anyone taking up the challenge?


Anonymous said...

The Wisconsin Synod in the U.S. has a well-used Q&A service which I think is quite good. WELS pastors answer people's anonymous questions. Skimming through the questions you can see a lot of hurt, and the answers are compassionate and faithful to Scripture. The database is searchable, too:

WELS also has a Q&A service specifically for teenagers on their "Living Bold" Youth site:

Sorry I don't know how to make those links clickable. (Please someone enlighten me.)

Unknown said...

I second the vote for WELS Q&A. It's very well written. The questions they receive are treated with very genuine, thoughtful answers.

@Anon: I pasted the link in by using the A HTML tag... you have to type it in manually.

Ian Adnams said...

Thanks for the link. I'd really like to see LCC's develop in a similar way.