Saturday, December 20, 2008

And so this is Christmas

Yesterday, I ate lunch at Subway. I walked in the door and I was immediately transported back more years than I care to remember. The local junior high school had ended the last day of the semester at noon and it looked like everyone decided to eat lunch together. The Subway resembled a school cafeteria! Animated conversation, good humour and laughter created a lively atmosphere.

As I sat eating my sandwich I watched. One young man sat with his iPod earphones in his ears while engaged in animated conversation. At another table, a couple had their cellphones in hand, fingers flying on the keypad texting (maybe each other!!).

I wondered how many of these young teens would attach any spiritual meaning to Christmas. Did they ever go to Sunday school? Would they attend any kind of Christmas service? Maybe 30 percent at most would belong to families who go to church once a month. Do they attend with mom and dad?

This generation are the children of parents who, for the most part, have abandoned the church. They don't watch much TV or listen to much radio. Their "mass media" is online and their music on their iPods. They choose their music, video and online communities.

Where at one time the church could touch lives through broadcasting - reaching thousands, maybe millions in a single radio or television program, that era is waning.

Jesus and the apostles were known for meeting people on their own turf with simple, relevant messages. The turf is there, how do we connect with a relevant message?

1 comment:

The Layman said...

We had Rev. Terry Dittmer at our 65th IDE..L L L convention last spring...This great presenter's subject was telling us how to relate to the differing generations. I only hope that the seeds he sowed might soon bear fruit in the next few years.