Sunday, December 28, 2008

Creating clicks

Beginning December 15, we launched a page on the LCC website that invited people to "Light a Candle this Christmas" and then provided a list of congregations who conducted candlelight services. We advertised the site on Facebook with the phrase "Discover where to light a candle this Christmas because the world needs more light." The ad was seen more than 1.5 million times and created 262 clicks to the website. In addition, we asked the districts to put the link on their websites and we put it on the front page of Overall, 330 people visited the candlelight page and 50 percent continued to the congregational listings. When congregations let us know the times of their services, we added a red candle to their listing (

Our experience shows that .02 percent of those who view the Facebook ad will click on the link.

We're going to try the same approach for Holy Week services and see how it goes.

The cool thing about Facebook ads is you can make them local to your city so they are only seen by those who live there. You don't have to do a national or regional campaign. You can also target age groups and gender.

We'll keep experimenting and let you know what happens.

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