Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Burdens and potential

The great cartoonist and philosopher Charles Schultz of "Peanuts" fame made an insightful statement through his character Charlie Brown. It's one I have never forgotten because it rings so true: "There is no heavier burden than a great potential."

Over the Christmas break my wife, two mid-twenties sons and I have engaged in some fascinating conversations about social media -- Facebook, Twitter, Digg, MySpace etc. I've also read blogs, online reports and research about the fundamental change that we face with the new media.

I even discovered a blog dedicated to following the demise of newspapers! (Something of great interest to me as an editor of a magazine!)

The potential in the new media climate is enormous. The trick is getting a handle on it before it morphs into something else! That is the burden.

When it came to the printing press, the Church engaged it quickly. With radio there was a quick understanding of its ability to reach a mass audience. TV was a bit different because it took more technology and money.

The Internet and social networking are presenting an entirely new challenge. At the same time, television is undergoing huge change; much of radio is now locked into inpenetrable formats, and newspapers are fighting for their lives as those who want the latest information simply go online or have it delivered by Twitter to their iPhones or Blackberries. The old reliable comfort zones for communication are being stretched.

"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape."

1 comment:

The Layman said...

I like your last quote, I like it so much I saved it in my "Bits and Pieces" file. It rings true, as Monday I went for a car-ride and then spent the day being a volunter mover for my daughter and her hubby and her two load rental truck.