Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Watch and learn

The inauguration of President Obama may have heralded more than an administration change in the US. If you followed both the primary and presidential campaigns, you know that Obama enlisted support at the grass roots level by using e-mail and websites. Obviously, those surrounding him understand the power of grass roots digital communication. The issue surrounding the need for him to give up his Blackberry is more than just a security. Having access to a Blackberry and the instant communication it symbolizes is part of the image built during the campaign. He and his team know how important it is to maintain accessibility.

Digital communication is the great equalizer. On Twitter, for example, I can respond to Tweets from national media such as CNN, CBC or The National Post. The “letter to the editor” is no longer on a piece of paper or in an e-mail. It is a 140-character direct response to the author and others following the Twitter feed. It provides immediate feedback.

During the next four years, it will be interesting to watch how the White House uses the new social media. With more than a million and a half e-mail address and more than a million Facebook followers, the administration has the opportunity to take its case directly to the people, bypassing any potential media bias and even political opponents. I am certain we will hear how constituents receiving the White House information put pressure on their members of congress and senators based on the un-“media”-ted information they receive.

Apart from the political potential, the social media may become a source of building activist communities comprised of people who want to be part of the promised change.

The next thing to watch is how text messaging becomes part of the communication mix.

Watch, listen, learn, adapt and adopt that which works!

1 comment:

The Layman said...

I saw this communication thing in action today. A politician sent me a newsletter and I read with interest the titles. The title I chose led to a daily newspaper article and I commented on the article in favor of the newsletter’s author. No longer do we need to wait for someone to tell us how to think in the press. It makes the WORDS of Our Triune God that much more important as we discern the truth of the day.!